Craven County
Deed Book 21, p. 89
22 August 1774
£72, 10s, 165 acres
“… between Sidney Crispin, Executrix of Joseph Crispin Dec’d of Craven County … and Thomsa Morris of Beaufort County … £72, 10s, …two certain messuages or tenements of land in [Craven County] on the North Side of Neuse River and on the upper side of Dawson’s Creek containing in whole one hundred and sixty five acres and bounded as follows… [25 acres] which is westernmost part of Rich’d Graves old Pattent beginning at Joseph Artherly’s corn’r on the side of Dawson’s Creek run with his So 35 Wt to Jas. Roberts’ Con’r of his (then) new Pattent then with the said new Patent line So 60 Et to the Gutt whereon Jas Roberts formerly lived which divides this land from the Land sold to Chris’r Neale then down the SEveral Courses of said Gutt to the main creek and up the several courses of the creek to the beginning… the other [140 acres] being the westernmost part of Jas. Robert’s new Patent whereon her formerly lived beginninga tt he Gut which divides the land from the land sold to Christ’r Neale where Rich’d Graves old Patentn Line crosses then running with the Line of the above mentioned [25 acres] No 60 Wt to Atherly’s line then with Atherly’s line So 35 Wt 100 Pole to a Pine then So 35 Et 59 pole to a light wood tree Randolph Fisher’s corner then No 65 Et 24 Pole and from thence along said Fisher’s line to the Easternmost Branch of the aforementioned gutt… containing in the whole [165 acres] …”
Sidney Crispin { Seal }
Thomas W. Pearson
Joseph Oliver
Sarah [ her X mark ] Bunn