Craven County
Deed Book 43, p. 465
4 March 1824
$200, lot in Newbern (New Bern)
“…a certain piece or parcel of land… situate on the South side of Broad Street in the Town of Newbern bounded and described as follows. Beginning at the North west corner of Lot No 284 the property of William R. Street, running thence westwardly along Broad Street fifty three feet to William Fife’s line thence along Fife’s line to lot No. 379 thence Eastwardly along hte northern line of lot No. 284, thence northwardly with Street’s line to the beginning, being the eastern half part of the lot which is known and disnguished in the plan of the Town of Newbern aforesaid by the No. 285 with all and singular the buildings and appurtenances…”
Brian [ his X mark ] Edmonson { Seal }
John Gildersleeve