Craven County
Deed Book 22, p. 94
24 February 1775
£30, 100 acres
“… one hundred acres lying and being on the north side of Trent River more or less and on the north side of Little Chincapin Creek beginning on the North side of the River at a Hickory opposite to a white oa on the south side of the River 120 poles below the Free Bridge then So 24 Wt 182 poles to a pine over the main road a littel above Hugh Standly Plantation then So 26 Wt 100 poles to John Lavenders line then with the same East 140 poles to the River then the various courses down the river to the aforesaid Hickory opposite to the White Oak to the Beginning… patented by John Franck deceased bearing date [22 April 1763] sold by Wickliff Franck lawfull heir of the said deceased John Franck to William Morris…”
Wickliff Franck { Seal }
John Lavender
John Morris