Craven County (“South Side of Neuse River, Clubfords Creek [Clubfoot Creek]”)
Deed Book 41, p. 188
13 June 1818
Deed of Gift, 50 acres
“…I have given to my daughter Deborah Morris Fifty acres of land joining the land where she now liveth to her and to her heirs and assigns forever…. beginning on the south side of the main branch that runeth out of the aforesaid Clubfords Creek at the upper corner of Benner Vail’s line joining Elijah Gibson’s line at a Chinquepin post the land that he bought of Joseph Smith near the corner of John Godett’s fence where he now liveth to make the complimetn of fifty acres it must be runned Eastward between Elijah Gibson’s line and Benner Vail’s line and if it don’t make enough by running to the corner of Elijah Gibson’s corner two red oaks the cross line from the one line to the other must be north and south and if it don’t make enough it must be taken from the south side of my land joining of Benner Vail’s line…”
George Godett Senr. { Seal }
Joseph Smith
Jane [ his X mark ] Smith