Craven County
Deed Book 36, p. 181
16 November 1802
£50, 100 acres
“…in the County of Craven on the south side of Bariva (Bay River?) bounded as follows: beginning at a pine a corner made in Jeremiah Willis’s line from thence by a line of marked trees to a sweet gum corner at the head of marsh thence down the marsh to the head of the Cove thence down the cove to theend of the point opposite the said Howren’s landing, then at the next cove to the westward to Muses line thence with Muses line to Riggs and McCotter’s line thence along Riggs and McCotters line to McCotters and Willis’s line thence along these lines to the beginning containing one hundred acres by estimation more or less…”
Jesse Howren { Seal }
Joseph Brooks
William [ his X mark ] Wharton